1. Riding brushes (soft, hard) with sizes 14,16 and 18 sm with metal guide.
2. Roller brushes (soft, hard) fabricated in compliance with a sample.
3. Muohapt brushes (soft, hard).
4. Brushes for machines for semolina (kidney type).
5. Brushes for machines for semolina (mice).
6. Brushes for machines for semolina (reversible) in accordance with Buller – Switzerland.
7. Brushes ,fan type for plansichter.
8. Cleaning elements with metal bud and filament on working surface for cabinet plansichter.
9. Rubber cleaning elements with hardness 44 and 45 in accordance with Shore (varied hardness).
10. Transport and cleaning elements with plastic bud.
11. Cleaning element with heigh of 11 mm with metal bud.
12. Rubber cleaning element with cylindrical shape.
13. Ejectors or cleaning element with rhomboid shape.
14. Rubber balls in three sizes (cleaning and transport).
15. Brushes for shafts with working surface of 800 and 1000mm, manufactured in accordance a special, technology, when cut apart they do not untwine. The brushes for the taraspirator are manufactured in the same way.
16. Belts of various sizes – imported and Bularian on demand.
17. Bearing of various sizes – imported and Bulgarian on demand.
18. Sieves for machines for semolina with sizes 2039 microns to 233 microns.
19. Sieves for flour with sizes from 206 microns to 85 microns.
20. Sieves-wire type, on demand.
21. Connecting metal element for plansichter brushes.
22. Counter element for semolina brushes, for affixing to the frame and for brush reversal.
23. Riding brushes for plansichters and machines for semolina made of plywood or plastic.
24. Sleeves for plansichter or for machines for semolina on demand and models with different sizes with one or two rings.
25. Filters, on demand with, models in various sizes.
26. Purifiers (ejectors) in the pans for flour on Russian,Turkish and Swiss models.
27. Tapaten (cotton type) cleaning elements with metal button.
28. Wick – for hammering out of sieves.
29. Spools for sewing of bags with 3,4 and 5 threaded strings.
30. Brush for cleaning various sizes of pipelines with artificial wire filaent.
31. Adhesive material for frames in plansichters and machines for semolina – 10; 20; and 30mm width.
32. Rifel knives with Swedish lamella in various sizes – 10;15;20;25 x 25 x 250 mm with one or two working edges.
33. Rubber membranes.
34. Clamps for grasping of pipe ends – ф 100;120;150; and 200mm.
35. Frame kit for the machines for semolina (aluminum and wood).
36. Frame kit for cabinet plansichter with cleaning elements.
37. Sieves with trim for the machines for semolina with tensioning strings.
38. Brush holder for brush shafts.
39. Brush for German plansichter.
40. Staples for staple machene and guns for nailing of sieves (electric or pneumatic).
41. Leather straps – chrome.
42 .Brushes 14 sm made of aluminium and plastic for plansichter with left and right rotation.
43. Rubber caps for piping ф 100; 105; 107 ; 110; 115; 120; 150; mm etc.
44. Tails ends for brush №7 for Russian plansichter.
45. Counter element for semolinaframe affixing the guide plates over which the brush moves.
46. Slider for brush for semolina.
47. Springs for the brush holder at the brushes for shafts.
48. Rubber bands for soft connections (sleeves) for plansichter.
49. Rubber muffs for glass cylinders – whole or joined by thermal band.
50. Elevator bucket in different sizes (metal and polyamide) – 100, 120, 140, 160, 180 и 200мм.
51. Textile lens and spreading palates.
52. Elevator bolts.
53. Glass cylinders,various sizes (with seam or seamless).
54. Rods of fiberglass Ø 14 и 16мм.
55. Cleaning element- three ways with papillae and fiber over a working surface.
56. Rubber cross piece – for transmission of engines and rotors.
57. Rubber membranes for magnetic valves 1/2; 3/4; etc. Up to 5 and 8 atmospheres.
58. Rubber muffs for pipelines – whole joined by thermal band.
59. Micro pore rubber band for sealants.
60. Wire mesh screens for frame of cabinet plansichter with cleaning elements and bis – W 10, 12, 16 и 20мм.
61. Rubber muff for rock separator.
62. Spockets for roller machin.
63. Casing for shell machine – various metal knitting – A, B and C – d1-2.0, d2-1.5 oko ø1.8-2.0мм.
64. Needles for sewing machines for bags.
65. Sewing machines for bags with service.
66. Pawls for gloteo washing machine.
67. Rubber splitter (angle – elbow).
68. Rubber elevator belts and transmission belt – 4, 5 ,6 layers of fabric.
69. Belts and straps from polyamide and plastic fiber.
70. Auger – various sizes.
71. T- shaped and Y –shaped and double pipe splitters.
72. Pipes – modules with Ø 100,120,150mm.
73. Joint for pipelines of various diameters.
74. Affixing magnets (plug in the separator).
75. Affixing (cleaning mechanisms and magnets).
76. Shafts 600,800,1000 mm X 250mm.
77. Rubber seals for pipe ends.
78. Wooden guide plates for roller brushes – small and large
79. Wolf theeth staples for joining of straps.
80. Lamella for redlers.
81. Rubber seal for pneumatic cylinders – Ø 30, 40, 50 , 60мм.
82. Seal for the reduction gear couplings – Ø 88, 116,140мм and more.
83. Big frame for cabinet plansichter with sheet metal and ejectors plus a small frame with cleaning element.
84. Rubber strip – d-0.8 око Ø1.32din-1.0012.
85. Frame with metal machine-minder for Check planzihter – PK 44014, PK – 64014.
86. Riding brush for Check planzihter made of getinaks.
87. Clamps with different sizes for the filter sleeves and flexible connections.
88. Brushes with spherical shapes.
89. Filters for grain elevators.
90. Bolter for vibro-centrifuge (metal – 630 microns and polyamide – 200 microns).
91. Warm and cleaning brushes.92
92. Brushes – muff for the crest of the auger (auger brushes).
93. Muff of the wibration groove Ø 300mm.
94. Congestion profiled rubber tape for filters – 12х14mm.
95. Sticking rubber tape with glue 30х3mm и 30х5mm.
96. Cleaning gaskets for the pneumatic cylinder DU-60 – external.
97. Cleaning gaskets for the pneumatic cylinder DU-60 – unternal.
98. Milling rubber hammer – 60 according to Shore with big and small handle.
99. Rubber-texture muff for the air-blower, working P – 0.64МРа, Р different.- 1.26Мра.
100. Large membrane for the device for evaluation of the grain consumption.
101. Brushes for cleaning of dust made of natural filament.
102. Cleaning band for the valve to the reduction gear – upper 750х42x6mm.
103. Cleaning element (threefold with a pin) with furrows of filaments for the plansichter.
104. Gasket for the lock opening of the lock mashne (turbine).
105. Cleaning band for the valve to the reduction gear – lower 750х42x6mm.
106. Rubber pads (anti vibration) Type A.
107. Rubber pads (anti vibration) Type B.
108. Brushes with metal hair (filament) for cleaning of nozzles /70×70 mm/.
109. Gasket rings for electric motors for prevention of dusting, o 25, 50, 55, 65 mm, etc. 110
110. Rubber pads Type A and Type B (anti vibration) for plansichter Beuler type.
111. Adhesive for glueing bolters to frames.
112. Measuring device for the stretching degree of bolters when glued to frames.
113. Brushes with metal hair (brass or other metal) with handles. 114
114. Equipment for stretching bolters before glueing to the frames.
115. Control filter sleeve.
116. Anti vibration pads for compressors Ø30X30mm, Ø40X40mm, Ø50X50mm etc.
117. Shield for filter Ø185X10mm и Ø185X12mm.
118. Wheels from Ø50 to Ø700 for 13, 17 и 22mm for V-shaped driving belts.
119. Perforated galvanized sheet iron for dishwashers – Ø2mm perforation length 1.5mm.
120. Sheet iron for grain cleaners – thickness of sheet 2mm, spheres 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 9.0 и 11.0mm.
121. Perforated sheet iron with round perforation from Ø1 to Ø5mm, thickness of sheet from 1 to 4 mm.
122. Rubber pads for elevators – various size.
123. Perforated sheet iron with rectangular perforation, А-20mm, B-from Ø1 to Ø10mm, thickness of sheet from 1 to 3 mm.
124. Flat wheels from Ø200 to Ø1000mm ,from 100 to 300mm in width for flat driving belts.
125. Lock – type 190, 220 and 240 for 3.26, 5.52 and 8.64 tph.
126. Perforated sheets iron with various perforations.
127. Gaskets for the roller machine /reduction-gear/ – oil resistant.
128. Rubber gaskets for the turbines of the locks – Prokop.
129. Gluing of the metal and polyamide bolters over the aluminum frames of the Beuler type planzichters.
130. Spray against sliding, increasing the transmission ability, protecting the belts and the straps.
131. Brushes with artificial or natural hair over a metal base.
132. Brushes with natural hair Liko or Tempiko /follicles/ over wooden or plastic basis.
133. Metal lamellae for hammer breaker – 130x50x4 mm.
134. Small frames (flour) for nailing down of the bolters – for planzichter Prokop.
135. Rubber gasket (simmering) for the pneumatic cylinder – Ø 125.
136. Spreading (cleaning) lamellae from polyurethane for the grain cleaning machines “Petkus K 546 A-02”.
137. Transporting chain for grain elevators – “Redler”.
138. Pressing heel for bags during their filling in the filling section.
139. Cleaning elements in the planzichters of Prokop.
140. Feeding grease.
141. Antivibration pad for rock separator Ø50 / Ø24 L 60 mm.
142. Antivibration pad for machine for semolina Ø32 mm /Ø16 mm, L 60 mm.
143. Cleaning gasket for pneumatic cylinder DU-40 Ø35 mm – Ø25 mm.
144. Belts for rolling-mill SPA 13 mm, SPB 17 mm.
145. Membrane for pneumatic (actuating) cylinder for Haffie SAED – 40 air compressor.
146. O-Ring for rolling-mill Ø78 mm / Ø68 mm.
147. Expendables for Petkus K 546A-02: wheels, cleaning planks (different sizes), PUR gauging seaves.
148. Spare sieves for percolator / Changing percolator sieves.
149. Sheaths for formatting knives for croissant machine.
150. PUR bands preventing wearing of the redler chains and the body.
151. Venturi pipe Ø80 mm – Ø150 mm, h – 135 mm.
152. Pipeline connector.
153. Frames for separator 100 x 200 mm.
154. Inlet and outlet rosettes for plansichter – various+B139 sizes.
155. Brushes for pelleter.
156. Manual grain sampler 2 and 2,5m .
157. Sieve frame for silo separator.
158. Rubber pad for vibrating machine.
159. Cleaning brushes with aluminium bar for drum sieve MKZB-Buhler.
160. Large and small membranes.
161. Knife scrapers for smooth rolls.
162. Scouring jacket exchange for grain scourers.
163. Filter sleeves with spring steel and double bulb ring.
164. New generation cleaning elements for plansiters.